
Spread a Smile aims to raise £1.4m this year with the help of specialist finance industry

On Thursday 13th April, members of the Medianett Publishing team attended a fun day hosted by charity Spread a Smile, which saw some of the seriously ill children it supports and their families working on projects which will feature at its fundraising gala this month.

The annual dinner — sponsored by specialist lender Spring Finance — will host around 380 people at the Nobu Hotel in Portman Square on Monday 24th April.

Commenting on what the charity provides, Josephine Segal, co-founder of Spread a Smile, said that the organisation visits 27 hospitals and two hospices, entertaining sick children by their bedsides, as well as virtually.

“We might take a magician, face painter or singer, or we might bring therapy dogs or do some art with them — it’s very special because the siblings are included too, so the parents get some respite while watching their children having a bit of normality and fun back into their lives, in their most challenging times.”

The charity will be celebrating its 10th anniversary with the dinner, as well as sharing a story about a little girl who they have known and supported since the beginning, who sadly passed away.

Spread a Smile aims to raise £1.4m this year to continue running its services and expand into 11 more hospitals.

Andrew Bloom, the latest trustee of the charity and owner and executive chairman at Spring Finance, said: “When you have a child who is extremely unwell, the opportunity to [have fun days] is few and far between. 

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